Saturday, January 9, 2021

2021年1月號 -- 月月派息系列 (GGM / GOF / PTY / PDI)


Happy New Year!!!

踏入2021年, 月月派息系列股價維持平穩上升

派息保持住, 沒升, 下沒下跌

下星期, 4隻都會除淨

希望股價跌少少, 等我入多少少

Guggenheim Credit Allocation Fund (GGM)

(GGM) declares $0.1813/share monthly dividend, in line with previous.

Forward yield 11.0%

Payable Jan. 29; for shareholders of record Jan. 15; ex-div Jan. 14.

Guggenheim Strategic Opportunities Fund (GOF)

GOF declares $0.1821/share monthly dividend, in line with previous.

Forward yield 11.33%

Payable Jan. 29; for shareholders of record Jan. 15; ex-div Jan. 14.

PIMCO Corporate & Income Opportunity Fund (PTY)

PTY declares $0.13/share monthly dividend, in line with previous.

Forward yield 8.73%

Payable Feb. 1; for shareholders of record Jan. 14; ex-div Jan. 13.

PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund (PDI)

PDI declares $0.2205/share monthly dividend, in line with previous.

Forward yield 9.99%

Payable Feb. 1; for shareholders of record Jan. 14; ex-div Jan. 13.


  1. 想問你有無telegram or instagram? 我交流一下option心得

  2. 我用FT, PTY 同 PDI, 扣起左少少息, 係咩原因呢?

  3. GGM / GOF / PDI 每個月扣起咗d息,唔知幾時會退呢?

    1. 應該是一月底, 請試下PULL STATEMENT 出來看看

  4. Replies
    1. 只KEEP 住每月買一點, 沒特別加大槓桿, 始終現在巿況波動, 我情願安全一點

  5. 我是用IB買PTY, 2020年每月派息都沒有預扣稅款, 但查看2021年1月25日的帳單, 發現當天把2020年每月的派息都扣回稅款, 我看到富途的用家也有這個情況, 最後會再退回嗎? 謝謝

    1. 係喎, 唔check下都唔知, 一直以為PTY唔會扣稅, 點知一炮過扣...., 可能要等二月嗰期睇下點退

    2. 我都係,PTY一炮過扣30%稅,NMZ就之前扣既稅退左,但RQI還未退稅

  6. 我收到IB的回覆了
    IBKR appreciates you have brought this to our attention.

    The processing of ETF-ETN-Closed End Funds-RIC is part of the issue. Even if the investment company has classed their distributions similarly historically, many broker-dealers do not apply that treatment until after the investment company has published a tax statement supporting that classification.

    PTY is classified as a “regulated investment company” (RIC) for US tax purposes. Our withholding procedure (which is the same for all RICs) is that during the year we code RIC distributions as ordinary dividends and then, after the close of each year when we receive the final allocation information from our tax services vendor as part of the industry-standard reclassification process that takes place beginning in late January, we reclassify the RIC distributions according to their final classification and refund any excess withholding taxes at that time.

    The maximum withholding rate that can apply to a RIC is 30% (if you do not qualify for the benefits of a double tax treaty between the US and your country of tax residence), but in certain cases RICs can allocate a portion of their distributions to income that is exempt from US withholding tax, so the rate can vary depending on the RIC's income and other factors, and can change from year-to-year.

    Kindly refer to the prospectus for the specific security in question, contact the issuer and/or consult a tax professional regarding the consequences of investing in US-based RICs based on your particular circumstances.


    IBKR Tax Reporting

    1. 那你收到了預扣稅的退款了嗎?

    2. 仲未呀, 有冇其他網友收到呢?

    3. 原來2月中已經退回多扣稅款, PTY總體來說扣了10%左右稅吧
